Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The FBI has seen better days and still better days

They think I should be put in the emergency room every day this summer. They have a group of forty five men actively trying to murder me through chemical diuretics on my steering wheel and then they think they can cut my cord to earth my using energy weapons. I feel like shit right from their death pool energy but cannot leave my car for fear of more chemical coding. The more I end up in the emergency room, the more they wipe out my finances and mental health and if the chemical coding doesn't work, they will try the suicide route again. Did I mention they have fifty million dollars of death pool money to make this happen? Gordon  apparently owns the San Francisco FBI and has offered to pay fifty million for my death. Sick, disgusting, cruel and inhumane is the way of the FBI. Too bad for Stephanie D who took six million dollars to retire on. After all, she will not be running the FBI for very much longer. And for other states, I deserve to be left alone. Not stalked around the east bay with murder threats. And so I will have to fight that much harder. Chemicals in my bloodstream will never be found in the way you designed them to murder me. But obviously, I am in great health with plenty of love in my life. God Bless You!

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