Friday, September 28, 2012

To South San Jose FBI......please tell me your manners matter

So tonight the FBI did the ultimate no no.

They sent in a gorgeous supposedly looking like me girl to a bar in South San Jose where the Hells Angels hang out.

And they stirred up some gossip and more lies about things I have never done.

Mainly rat out a Hell's Angel leader......which the Los Gatos FBI did with the San Jose Police Department.

Not me.

And the girl playing my supposed double bought a black honda civic....just like mine.

And she said she was me.

And then she lied again and said I put her up to going there.

Think again Juan.

Think again Juna for playing my double.

And think again Hells Angels if you come near my house.

And by the way, I love South San Jose. More than my own town of living right now. And I love the people I grew up with and everyone I ever knew in South San Jose has pretty much been awesome and amazing.....just saying.

And basically, I hate low life FBI running codes and ruining my life.

And basically, it goes to SHOW that they really are fucking stupid at times.

And yes, when the FBI lacks a good leader, it shows.

And people can start apologizing to me again.

And then we'll see a leader show up.

Just saying.

God Bless You.

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