God is getting very angry with the FBI and CIA for what they have done to me.
They continue to rape me daily psychically, practice voice to skull on me so I hear their voices, voodoo me with voodoo artists and practice sorcery on me all day every day of severe witchcraft and stalk me where I ever I go with demonic agents.
Not only that, but as Christian, I have been giving five to ten percent of my income away for almost ten years annually in the form of a tithe or offering and the FBI psychically views out my future daily to destroy my future so that I have never received any of the prosperity that God wants me to have so far. I am on permanent disability at poverty levels of income. God is getting angry at this FBI practice of reading out my future and then paying off the people in it to harm me. Basically, I get to sit in a comfortable "prison" of my own home doing nothing.... FOR NO REASON TO GOD OTHER THAN FBI AND CIA PSYCHOPATHY!!!!!
The Bay Area is probably going to start paying from all the harm they have done to me. I can guarantee you this project was never worth it to do so malicious and harmful to me when that happens. And it will be God's wrath, not mine. I attempt to bless my enemy in prayer a few times a week but I am really over them.
Please pray for my protection if you read this. God Bless You!!!!