I just wanted to make a few more points about what the psychopath FBI clearancing teams did to me. Not only did they clearance every single member of my family, they clearanced all of my friends on Facebook of over 200 people to become agents and kill me.
And as for my career? Well, I'd love for people to know that I worked my ass off through this schizophrenia project to get my Bachelors Degree from an accredited university and then spent another $10,000 on higher education after my Bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, the FBI low lifes in the project world were jealous of me, and caused way too many mental problems to finish my master's degree with their all day voice to skull technology on me.
And then, the Dan team went a step further and clearanced EVERY SINGLE health insurance agency in the East Bay Tri-Valley area, either before or after I had interviewed for employment to become agents of the FBI and when that happens, they are brainwashed with meditations as agents and of course, Dan's final plan was to have them murder me if they hired me. So clearly you can see why I am out of employment. I had worked so very hard for my insurance license too.
This all makes me really really sad.
Now the FBI dishes out really more that I can handle on a daily basis with the most obscene plots to kill me.
Today, I call on Jesus. I pray that his will be done in life. As much as the FBI wants me suicidal in life, I rejoice in the Lord and my final resting place is Heaven.
God Bless You.